NOTE: The Design Track Sessions are approved for CEU / PDH credits.
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9:30 am
Means & Methods for Metering Low Temperature Thermal Energy
This session will review the various technologies used to meter thermal energy and their relative cost, accuracy, and reliability, for a range of flow rates and temperature differences. The applicability of thermal metering standards established in Canada and parts of Europe are discussed and the status of such a standard for the United States.
Presenter: Connor Dacquay, P.E., CGD / GEOptimize
11:00 am
Ground Heat Exchanger Design Principles and Design Tools
This session will identify the inputs required for effective Ground Heat Exchanger (GHX) design. Building heating and cooling load analysis is the starting place for the GHX design, but heat pump equipment selection and knowledge of the geology are also essential components of an efficient and reliable GHX design. The various GHX design tools will also be covered.
Presenter: Ryan Carda, P.E., CGD / Dandelion Energy

1:30 pm
To Vault or Not to Vault:
When is a buried vault your best option?
Large ground heat exchanger borefields often bring piping circuits to a subsurface/buried vault, where circuits are combined in a larger manifold. In other circumstances the horizontal circuit piping is combined and brought to the building that does not require a vault; so the manifold is built inside the building. There are pros and cons to using vaults, like introducing confined space requirements while perhaps reducing overall system pumping energy. This program will discuss different types of geothermal vaults and when to use them.
Presenter: Joe Pejsa / Infra Pipe Solutions Ltd.
2:30 pm
Hybrid System Design Considerations:
Finding the Right Balance
The decarbonization and energy transition requires a cost efficient and pragmatic approach to balance renewable energy integration and low carbon energy system infrastructure development. This presentation shares holistic planning and design aspects that consider heat sources, managing baseload and peak thermal demands, renewable energy intermittency, sector coupling, hybrid technologies, electrical capacity, and thermal storage. Case studies from Europe and the US emphasize cost efficient, flexible, and resilient energy infrastructure systems that achieve significant energy and carbon reductions.
Presenters: Robert M. Neimeier, P.E., and Joseph DiSanto, P.E., both with Ramboll
4:00 pm
Incorporating Geothermal Domestic Hot Water in a Multifamily Building
This program will review the successful implementation of the geothermal heat pump central domestic hot water system for the Zero Place project in New Paltz, New York. The presenters will provide the design insights and projected performance with the actual measured performance of the building.
Presenters: Jens Ponikau, AI, CGD, and Johannes Rosemann, both with Buffalo Geothermal