All Sessions in Salon D
10:30 am
IRA Implementation Part 1
Update on Split Ownership, Domestic Content, 1MW Threshold, Etc.
This is Part 1 of two sessions on Inflation Reduction Act Implementation as it applies to Geothermal Heat Pumps. This panel will cover 1) IRS interpretations of the access to split ownership of geothermal systems or subsystems and the GeoExchange Organizations response, 2) how hybrid systems are treated from a tax credit perspective and 3) the current activity to clarify eligibility for the 10% domestic content bonus, and 4) creative interpretations, including treating a geothermal heat pump projects as a thermal storage property.
- Zeyneb Magavi / HEET
- Jacob Goldman / Energy Tax Savers
- David Burton / Norton Rose Fulbright
- Ryan Dougherty / GeoExchange
- Adam Shelly / Ecoystem
11:45 am
IRA Implementation Part 2
Mechanics of Tax Credit Transferability & Elective Pay Option
This is Part 2 on Inflation Reduction Act Implementation as it applies to Geothermal Heat Pumps. This session will focus on two topics, 1) how tax-exempt organizations qualify and acquire direct payments in lieu of investment tax credits, and 2) new tax credit transferability rules introduced in the IRA and the mechanics of transferring a tax credit. These two topics are both potentially powerful ways to grow the adoption of geothermal heat pump systems by simplifying the rules around transferring an investment tax credit (ITC) and for the first time offering the value of a tax credit to a broad range of tax-exempt organizations.
- John Ciovacco / Aztech Geothermal, LLC & NY-GEO Board
- Jacob Goldman / Energy Tax Savers
- Derek Silverman / Basis Climate
- Sara Ross / UndauntedK12
- David Burton / Norton Rose Fulbright
1:45 pm
Financing for Large Commercial GSHP Projects
- Zachary Fink / ZBF Geothermal & NY-GEO Board
- Samuel Birnbaum / Settlement Housing Fund Inc.
- Kaitlin Butler / NY Green Bank
- Erangi Dias / NYCEEC
Session YouTube Recording
No Visual Presentation for this Session

3:00 pm
Thermal Energy As a Service
One of the key barriers to popularizing geothermal heating and cooling is the upfront cost of the loop infrastructure, which is typically paid for exclusively by the building owner. This barrier can be eliminated when a third party (in addition to the building owner and the electric utility) installs and owns the loop infrastructure, recouping its costs over time by charging the building owner on a monthly basis. Among them, the panelists in this session have direct knowledge and/or experience in both private and public examples of this model to share with you.
- Venetia Lannon / Con Edison & NY-GEO Board Member
- Timothy Banach / Endurant Energy
- Cameron Best / Brightcore Energy
- Michael Albertson / SHARC Energy