Department of Energy Analysis Shows that Geothermal Heat Pumps can Decarbonize Buildings, while Reducing Grid Transmission Needs and Saving Energy.
On Wednesday, December 6, Alejandro Moreno, Associate Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for the EERE at U.S. DOE presented at the IGSHPA conference. As his presentation went into a fireside chat the DOE announced the results of an analysis highlighting that deployed at mass scale, geothermal heat pumps (GHPs) could decarbonize heating and cooling and save energy in U.S. buildings while reducing the need for new grid transmission.
The room of GHP manufacturers, distributors, designers, installers, advocates, utilities, regulators, engineers, and industry professionals’ devices binged announcing the delivery of the report. The room exploded into applause. Mr. Moreno and his team were then able to chat with the group about the report and its findings.
Later Mr. Moreno said “Geothermal heat pumps offer enormous value for the nation’s energy future. This report confirms that geothermal heat pumps are a ready-made strategy for decarbonizing our buildings while reducing the need for new electricity generation and transmission, and bringing energy savings to Americans nationwide—all while creating U.S. jobs.”
Link to the DOE press release - CLICK HERE
Full report – CLICK HERE
NY-GEO looks forward to sharing additional details and the next steps in providing feedback and comments to the DOE.