NYSERDA - Programs to Advance Geothermal
This content is meant only as a guide. For full details and required information, please visit the NYSERDA website.
PON = Program Opportunity Notice
Flexible Technical Assistance (FlexTech) Program
Completing an energy study of your building can help you identify and evaluate opportunities to reduce energy costs and incorporate clean energy into your capital planning. The FlexTech program shares the cost to produce an objective, site-specific, and targeted study on how best to implement clean energy and/or energy efficiency technologies. A NYSERDA FlexTech Consultant can work with you to complete the energy study.
Eligible Facilities
- Commercial, industrial, and multifamily facilities in New York State that pay into the electric System Benefits Charge (SBC) are eligible to receive assistance. Limited funds are available for Industrial sites who do not pay into the SBC.
- Colleges and universities must be Clean Green Campuses members to be eligible for FlexTech. Become a Clean Green Campuses member today
- Small Businesses and Not-For-Profits may be eligible for a subsidized Green Jobs Green New York Energy Study
- P-12 Schools:
- Building Energy Studies: Schools in New York State that pay into the electric System Benefits Charge (SBC) and are not designated as a public under-resourced school are eligible to receive assistance. P-12 schools that are designated as a public under-resourced school are eligible to participate in the Clean Green Schools Initiative.
- School Bus Clean Transportation Studies: Public school districts that are not eligible to participate in the Clean Green Schools Initiative may apply to the FlexTech Program for assistance with fleet transition plans (note – funding is available for all public school districts in NYS to help pay for fleet studies, regardless of whether they pay into the electric System Benefits Charge).
To get started, email FlexTech@nyserda.ny.gov. to review your project and the application process.
Market Development Support for Clean & Resilient Buildings & Large-Scale Thermal (RFQL 5856)
Due Date: 09/30/2024 (Round 1) - Expected start date for work is early 2025.
Through Request for Qualifications (RFQL) 5856, NYSERDA intends to establish pools of firms, companies, or organizations (including teaming arrangements) to provide program design, analysis, and support for Clean and Resilient Buildings and Large-Scale Thermal market development initiatives across NYSERDA.
NYSERDA seeks qualified firms that have technical, regulatory, and market expertise in the following categories:
- Supply Chain Support
- Project Design, Development, Permitting, Operations and Commissioning
- Program Design and Technical Support
- Data Collection, Analysis, and Measurement & Verification Services
Interested firms may submit a proposal to provide support in any or all of the above categories. Separate proposals must be submitted for each category.
NYSERDA will hold a general Bidder’s Webinar on August 15, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. ET to review the submission process and provide a general overview of the RFQL.
Register for Webinar - Please click title above and scroll to Registration Box.
Large - Scale Thermal - (PON) 5614
PROPOSALS DUE September 26 (Round 1) January 30, 2025 (Round 2) by 3:00 pm (ET)
Funding opportunities are available to help decarbonize your existing or new buildings, including large single buildings, or multiple buildings such as educational or medical campuses, multifamily complexes, communities, and other collocated buildings using heat pumps and thermal sources like the ground (geothermal), waste water, waste heat recovery from industrial processes, and thermal energy storage to provide heating, cooling, and hot water.
The Large-Scale Thermal Program provides cost-share for design of large single building and multiple building projects, including thermal energy networks, that serve as replicable examples for significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) from heating, cooling, and hot water, using approaches that are clean and resilient, minimize energy consumption, maximize energy recovery, and offer an equitable approach to building decarbonization.
A pre-bid webinar was held on July 11th describing the program opportunities and how to submit proposals.
Buildings of Excellence Competition - RFP 3928 - Rd5
PROPOSALS DUE September 18, 2024 by 3:00 pm (ET)
Seeks proposals for multifamily demonstration projects that will be clean and resilient, beautiful, and functional, and will provide healthy, safe, comfortable, and resilient living spaces for their occupants. Successful proposers will demonstrate how their projects will be profitable for the developers and owners and demonstrate realistic cost reductions in the design and construction of clean and resilient buildings. The Competition aims to accelerate the design, development, construction, and operation of multifamily buildings that integrate co-benefits for occupants, such as controlled and healthy indoor air quality, as well as exceptional comfort. Successful proposers must demonstrate how their projects’ energy use and per capita carbon emissions will be substantively reduced, while increasing building resiliency, including passive and active survivability, in a manner that can be replicated at scale. Proposers must also commit to publicly share information related to the project’s design, costs, and performance relied on to support the decision-making processes employed to achieve the desired outcomes
Please read the RFP Summary to review and understand the opportunites specific to geothermal.
NYSERDA - Field Monitoring Ground Source Heat Pumps on Long Island
“This field test study evaluated the performance of 33 ground source heat pump systems installed in 27 Long Island homes. Measured data for the WaterFurnace dual stage and variable speed heat pumps were collected for a year or more using the on-board Symphony™ monitoring system. A survey was also conducted to capture homeowner perceptions and experiences with the systems. This study follows a similar test of 49 Water Furnace heat pumps in Upstate New York (NYSERDA Report 18.03). The results showed that the seasonal average heating COP was 3.8 (with pumps, fans, and resistance elements), compared to 3.6 for the upstate systems. Ground loop temperatures were correspondingly higher in the milder heating climate. Homeowners reported that these systems maintained good comfort in the winter, which was corroborated by the minimal resistance heat use. Greenhouse gas savings were also documented, and annual cost savings were as high as $295 per installed ton compared to fuel oil at current, post-pandemic prices."
NYSERDA Field Monitoring Ground Source Heat Pumps on Long Island
NYSERDA On-The-Job Training Funds Available for Drillers/Driller Helpers
June 2, 2023 - NYSERDA’s On-the-Job Training (OJT) Program provides funding to clean energy businesses to reduce the financial risk of hiring and training new employees. The program provides wage reimbursement up to 75% of a new hire’s wages for their first 16-24 weeks of employment and assistance with the development of training plans. New York State businesses hiring and training new drillers and driller helpers to work on ground-source heat pump projects are eligible to apply for this funding. Public Opportunity Notice (PON) 3692 website here. NYSERDA holds “virtual office hours” on the OJT program from 2:00 to 3:00 pm on the third Thursday of each month. Alternatively, contact Andrew.Piper@nyserda.