The Birth of Thermal Utilities
Mapping the Journey to a Thermal Market
It’s been over a 100 years since a new utility was created. How are utilities created and scaled? Hear a vision of a thermal market in 2050 and the pathway to get there. Get oriented to the day’s track, hear an update on what’s happening now with geothermal networks across the U.S., and hear from a range of experts on aspects of this energy transformation you may not have considered—with exciting outcomes and unlikely allies.
- Audrey Schulman / HEET
- David Podorson / Xcel Energy
- Jonathan Bounocore / Boston University School of Public Health
- Will Hardesty-Dyck (video) / Eastie Farms
- Zeyneb Magavi / HEET
Session YouTube Recording
Presentation Deck: Mapping the Journey
Measuring Success: The Data We Need
Measurement matters. Collecting data in a standardized way and making it publicly available is critical to create trust with stakeholders, allowing networked geothermal and the industry surrounding it to grow. Participate in identifying key data points for sharing in a public databank. The conversation will be enhanced by an expert panel that has successfully designed, engineered, installed, operated, and maintained some of the largest and best networked geothermal installations across a variety of climates.
- Angie Alberto Escobar / HEET
- Brian Urlaub / Salas O’Brien
- Cary Smith / The GreyEdgeGroup
- Bill Beattie / Orange & Rockland Utilities
- Mitch DeWein / CHA Consulting
Session YouTube Recording
Presentation Deck: The Data We Need
The Policy and the People: We Need to Clear the Path Ahead
We ask what policy changes are needed to allow thermal utilities to grow in a way that benefits all stakeholders, from customers to workers and utilities, and in what order those changes need to happen. Come ready to share your thoughts. Systems change advocates, along with geothermal industry representatives working on policy change at the federal and state levels, will share too.
- Ania Camargo / Building Decarbonization Coalition
- Debbie New / Vermont Community Geothermal Alliance
- Bryant Jones / Geothermal Rising
- Heather Deese / Dandelion Energy
- Ryan Dougherty / GeoExchange
- Lisa Marshall / Renewable Heat NOW
Standing Breakout:
- Jessica Azulay / AGREE New York
- Lisa Dix / Building Decarbonization Coalition
- Ed Draves / Schenker, Russo & Clark
Session YouTube Recording
Presentation Deck: Policy and People
The Utility of a Utility
Learn about how utilities work, their history, what services they are now permitted to provide to customers and the beginning of a utility transformation. Hear from the first the first gas utility to install networked geothermal and other utilities engaged in the transition from gas to thermal.
- Morgan Hood / Vermont Gas Service
- Andreas Thanos / NARUC - video
- Holly Braun / NW Natural
- Owen Brady-Traczyk / National Grid
- Nikki Bruno / Eversource Gas
Session YouTube Recording
Presentation Deck: The Utility of a Utility
Scaling Efficiently: How We Will Build a Thermal Grid Together
We need to scale quickly. Learn about the challenges anticipated, including the needs for drillers, drills, and workforce on a national scale. In this session, diverse experts help us all put together the puzzle pieces of drilling and industry growth, workforce, deployment and interconnection strategies. Help us figure out how to identify the critical pieces that are being missed.
- Zeyneb Magavi / HEET
- Will Lange / WaterFurnace
- Mark Metzner / CDM Smith
- Jack DiEnna / GEO-NII
- Ed Draves / Shenker, Russo & Clark
Session YouTube Recording
Presentation Deck: Scaling Efficiently