NY-GEO Downstate Conference - a Resounding Success!
NY-GEO’s first Downstate, 2-day conference with popular pre-conference site tours, drew 550 attendees and 45 exhibitors from 20 states and 10 countries. All three strong keynote speakers were first timers, including Doreen Harris the President and CEO of NYSERDA, Sadie McKeown, President of the Community Preservation Corporation and Matthew Ketschke, President of Consolidated Edison of New York. NY-GEO staff and board members would like to extend a big thank you to our all our sponsors (especially ConEdison “Presenting”, NYSERDA & Climate Control Group “Gold”), our exhibitors, the 100+ speakers, and all the attendees who made this an important and memorable event. All sessions recordings and presentation downloads will be available on on the NY-GEO website coming weeks so stay tuned!
Sponsor and Exhibit
Showcasing your brand while supporting the mission of NY-GEO to the largest gathering of Geothermal experts in the Western Hemisphere.
Need help or have questions? Reach out to Christine 518-746-0407 or christine@ny-geo.org