Annual Dinner
Tuesday, October 22
7:00 pm

Sadie McKeown
President, The Community Preservation Corporation
A seasoned leader with more than 33 years of history at the company, Sadie McKeown is President of The Community Preservation Corporation (CPC). In this capacity she leads the development and implementation of CPC’s growth strategy and oversees the company’s mission-driven construction lending and investing platforms with a focus on investing in the transition to a green economy, closing the racial wealth gap, and expanding affordable housing. This includes overseeing CPC’s field offices, Sustainability platform, the ACCESS fund to strengthen and support BIPOC developers and real estate entrepreneurs, and working closely with the President of CPC Mortgage Company, CPC’s Agency mortgage lending subsidiary, to align the company’s products and tools to drive business success and social impact.
McKeown brings an eye toward collective solutions to her focus on addressing the capital challenges facing disinvested communities. Having harnessed dozens of municipal tools and public subsidy programs to drive affordable, sustainable multifamily development and economic revitalization, she has developed a passion and skill for aligning private resources and government priorities for impact and change.
A recognized leader in the real estate industry’s climate movement, McKeown has been a fierce advocate for moving the built environment towards carbon neutrality throughout her career. In 2009, CPC launched a Sustainability platform under McKeown’s direction, and she continues to oversee the company’s green financing efforts focused on driving higher performance, resilient, healthier housing and creating economic opportunity in disadvantaged communities. Under McKeown’s leadership CPC has invested more than $1.3 billion in more than 13,000 sustainable and energy efficient units since the company began tracking in 2015.
She has overseen the development of numerous guides, tools, and case studies to help lenders, owners, and developers understand the benefits of energy efficient construction and retrofits; including CPC’s “Underwriting Efficiency Handbook” and its companion guide titled “Financing High-Performance” which focus on guiding lenders and developers through the underwriting efficiency methodology for both retrofit and new construction projects.
In addition to serving as President of CPC, McKeown leads CPC Climate Capital, the multifamily strategy within the Climate United coalition managing a $7 billion award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund. CPC Climate Capital is deploying $2.4 billion of the total award to stimulate the clean energy transition economy-wide and transform the multifamily mortgage markets.
McKeown also oversees CPC’s administration of New York State’s Climate Friendly Homes Fund, a $250 million initiative to electrify 10,000 units of multifamily housing in disadvantaged communities.
As a board member of the New York State Housing Finance Agency (HFA), McKeown uses her green finance and multifamily expertise to align climate and affordability in the multifamily space. She previously served on the New York State Climate Action Council’s Energy Efficiency and Housing Advisory Panel, the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) board, and the Bright Power, Inc board. Sadie also acts locally, serving on the New York City Energy Efficiency Corporation (NYCEEC) in Manhattan, where CPC is headquartered, and on the Housing Affordability Taskforce in Tarrytown, New York, where she lives.
McKeown earned her Master’s Degree in Human Services Administration with a concentration in Housing from Cornell University. She received her Bachelor’s Degree in Communications from Fordham University.